About Metal Madness

-About MMSA-
The Affordable Speed Shooting Sport Anyone Can Play!
Metal Madness is a steel shooting game designed around the entire family, MMSSA LLC membership is recognized at any of our MMSSA LLC affiliate ranges nationwide. We have data proving that Metal Madness training improves a person’s ability to shoot other shooting sports!
MMSSA is a rimfire shooting sport designed for everyone to enjoy! Experience the instant gratification of ringing steel targets regardless of age or experience. No special or fancy firearms are needed; just about any .22 firearms will work!
- Sign up today If you are looking for a shooting sport that is not a competition but can be personally competitive.
- A shooting sport that is designed for the entire family where no one sits on the bench. A shooting sport that allows any safe 22 firearms. It is a shooting sport that has no physical restrictions.
- A shooting sport in which beginners or seasoned shooters have a chance to excel. A shooting sport that is educational in a friendly, safe environment.
Membership to Metal Madness Sports Shooting Association is the backbone of our entire operation. It is the members who make Metal Madness so great. Our family atmosphere is unique and something we are very proud of. When you join, you become a member of that family. Challenge yourself personally or play in brackets against other members from all Metal Madness ranges.
Members have their match scores published on our website and receive discounts on all merchandise from MMSSA branded, Tippmann Arms rifles, Elftmann triggers, T-shirts, and any merchandise sold at events.
Members can participate in the bracket bullet awards program and are qualified to participate in a Prize Event held by MMSSA.
Members help support our youth league and its participants. We believe it is important to teach our youth not only about shooting, but also about teamwork, patriotism, and positive social interaction.

ADDRESS: 787 Dover Rd, Grand Rivers, Kentucky
-About GRSR-
Grand Rivers Shooting Range, Home of GRSR’s Metal Madness
Founded August 8, 2013, Grand Rivers Shooting Range is the birthplace of Metal Madness. We have spent the last 5 years developing and perfecting Metal Madness. Come see for yourself where it all began!
We have recently installed 34 centerfire steel targets that can withstand up to .45ACP (Our Metal Madness shooting game is still .22 caliber only). We are also have a clay target thrower for our members to use (clay targets must be purchased from us due to feeding reliability issues).
We have our famous 10 lanes of Metal Madness rim-fire game and 5 lanes with 34 centerfire handgun steel reaction targets. GRSR membership has more benefits than just killing steel our members get free FFL transfers, discounts on firearms and ammo, members can order firearms for $25.00 over cost.
Join Grand Rivers Shooting Range for only $50.00. (Come in person and purchase a membership). GRSR is the home of Metal Madness Shooting Sports, we have 4 shooting houses set up for Metal Madness. Everyone’s 1st visit is free.